Category Archives: Photography

Back with Week 30 of Project 52

It’s been a long couple of weeks, we have been spending them at camp and having a TOTAL BLAST!!! I am trying to get back into taking photo’s for the project 52 challenges that I have been involved in. I hope that I will be able to continue for the rest of the year with no other stumbling blocks, but with both my kiddo’s going into full time school I am not going to make any promises. Ok so on to the photo’s, for MCP Project 52 the Theme was  “A letter of the Alphabet” and the photo I chose…..

The story behind the photo…..

I chose the letter I for…..

Incorruptable Inheritance 1 Peter 1:4. We had our kids camp last week and this was the theme….be an Incorruptable Inheritance!! I am finishing out my commitment to our weekly camps this week so I hope to be getting back into taking my weekly photos soon!! I have missed being able to participate but I have been having a total BLAST with these kids!!

The theme for Paint the Moon – Let’s Do 52 was Secrets or Smooth and the photo I chose……

The story behind the photo……

My DD sharing the secrets of playing this DS game with her little brother. I’m surprised this particular time it didn’t turn into a screaming match as it does most times. Glad i was able to catch this sweet brother/sister moment.

Until next time all…..Thanks so much for dropping by, would love to hear from you.

4th of July……Fireworks and stuff

4th of July for us for the last 10 years has always been a day that my DH has had to work as the city he works for has had the longest running 4th of July Parade in the State. The parade used to be bigger than it is today, some people even go out the night before to set up their places to watch the parade even setting up canopys to mark their areas. Can’t believe how serious some people can be about it. We used to go out and watch the parade when the kids were a bit younger…..yeah they are still young, but as crazy as people are right now my DH said that we would have to get there at least an hour and a half before the parade to get a spot where the kids could see. So I’m not that big of a fanatic to make my kids wait that long for a parade. We did however go out to sit with DH at the shuttle parking area to “tailgate” and watch the fireworks show put on by the city. I was hoping to be a bit closer to try and get some true “maual” photo’s as the last few times I have tried to take fireworks photo’s I was letting my DSLR make at least some of the adjustments. I was excited to finally see how well my new Tamron 28-300 lens would work. I was quite impressed with the lens….and have been as long as I have been using it. It has a little bit of jerky movement as it initially does the fine focus but once it gets there….wow, it pretty much stays on it. The best part was being able to spend time with the kids and DH, and of course our friends who came out with us. So, I know you came to check out the photo’s so here you go……


Yummy Cupcake!!


He wanted to make sure I knew this was a farm with all the animals.


Sidewalk Chalk…..


A Princess makes her own Castle…..


Almost time……






And a quick and VERY BIG Congratualtions to our friends who had their daughter on Friday July 8th. My prayers go out to this precious new family as they start this new and wonderous journey together. We LOVE YOU GUYS!!!


Thanks for stopping by….

Until Next Time…..

Project 52 – Week 21

Another week and I am again a bit late posting my photo’s. I have to admit that I struggled this week with the themes and I contemplated just taking a few of my own theme this week since Project 52 is about challenging you to consistently take photo’s of things in new ways or just new things. Well this week I had a very first in my life….so of course I HAD to bring the camera along…..AND the two photo’s below fit the theme’s of this weeks challenges!! So here you go…..

For MCP Project 52 the theme was Need for Speed, and the photo I chose…….

The story behind the photo…….

We got to got to our first hockey game last night and boy did we have a BLAST!! Talk about speed!! They moved from one end of the hockey rink to the other in seconds. Our kids were so excited they could hardly contain themselves. Ortmeyer #22 with the Aeros even gave our kids a practice puck. Then to top it all off……they won….so they continue on in the Calder Cup……what a GREAT night!!


The theme for Paint the Moon – Let’s Do 52 was People (anything but faces), and the photo I chose…..

The story behind the photo……

We got some AMAZING seats, right on the glass next to the Aeros bench. The only thing that kept my hubby from reaching out and touching the players was the plexi-glass between them. At one point in the game the puck hit the glass right in front of my hubby, I don’t think I have seen him jump that high in a very long time…..he usually doesn’t scare easily. The couple in the seats behind him kept reminding him not to put his drink on the ledge by the glass or he might just end up with the entire thing in his lap!! This will definitely NOT be the last hockey game we attend…..we are hooked!!


So, I have one child that is out of school for the summer and one that has 2 and a half days left, then it is on to Camp Time!! We have most of our summer planned out already with I think only 2 or 3 weeks in there that we are just staying home and chillin’ out. Time to spend with just the family for us is time to look forward to!! Hope everyone is getting ready for a BIG summer of activities!

Thanks for stopping by, I would love to visit your blog if you have one…..leave me a comment and I will stop by.

Until next time…..

Week 20 – Second photo

Finally making it back to post the second of my two photo’s for my Project 52 Challenges this week. This second one was for Paint the Moon – Let’s Do 52. The theme this week was Self Portrait with an alternate theme of Wind. I chose to go with the alternate theme. Here is the photo I chose for this challenge….

The story behind the photo….

This photo was taken this past week when I got up in the middle of the night to go out with the Local Fire Department on an accident call. They called for the helicopter to transport the patient…..and boy the helicopter sure does kick  up some wind of it’s own!! I have some more great photo’s of the Firefighters too that I hope I can get up on the blog sometime soon.

Thanks for checking back by…..would love to hear your comments!!

Until next time….

Project 52 – Week 20 – First Photo

Well, I had a few extra minutes this afternoon and when Jodi put up the them for the Project 52 at MCP as Spring Fever I knew exactly which photo I had already taken this week that I wanted to use. So I’m not going to take up a lot of time since the rest of this week is going to be particularly busy for me and I will still have to come back and post the second of the week 20 photo’s. Here is the photo I chose for Spring Fever….

The story behind the photo….

Spring Fever around here also means Baseball Fever…. or in our case T-Ball Fever. We are about to start our play-off’s then it will be time for the “Summer Break” for our kids. They have had an absolute BLAST, and so have we!! This is my DS playing third base….just like Dad does when he plays softball. Just love how excited he gets to play every week.

Just 2 more weeks of school for my DS and 2 and a half more weeks of school for DD. Then it’s Summer Break, which won’t really be a break for us….just filled with fun and sun at CAMP!! Woo Hoo!!

I’ll be back later with my Paint the Moon Challenge photo later in the week.

Until next time….

Project 52 – Week 19

Well, I had a bit of free time tonight……shocker I know, so I wanted to go ahead a post the new photo’s from my Project 52 challenges and a photo I submitted to the Pioneer Woman Photography group on Flickr also. It’s been an active week taking pictures for me. The last regular game of the T-ball season is tomorrow and after that we have play-off’s all week next week. This may make for a difficult week for me to keep up with the Project 52 challenges but I’m going to do my best!!

So going to start off with the photo I submitted to the Pioneer Woman Photography Group on Flickr. She occasionally asks readers to submit photo’s from a particular category then chooses her favorites during the week….from those favorites she picks a winner who usually gets a great prize. I haven’t ever been chosen, but there are plenty of AMAZING photographers that submit their work. The theme is action for this one….and if I get a chance I may submit another we will have to see. Here is the photo I chose….

The story behind the photo….

Our Astro’s player attempting to tag out the Orioles player at our last game. It ended in a 30-30 tie game. This particular player on our team is an amazing player for his age!! He has incredible knowledge of the game, and SPEED, plus he can hit the ball. Can’t wait to see what this one can do when he makes it to upper level ball!!

The theme for MCP Project 52 this week was Window Light…..and the photo I chose….

The story behind the photo…

This is the Mother’s Day Rose I got at Church on Mother’s Day. All the Mother’s at Church received one. I am blessed to be a part of such an awesome church, and I am proud to be one of the Mother’s of all the church children…including my own!!

The theme for Paint the Moon – Let’s Do 52 was Slice of Everyday Life, and the photo I chose…..

The story behind the photo…..

Well, the biggest slice of our every day life has been the lack of this precious wet stuff. And with many in the mid-west having an over abundance of it seems there can’t just be some balance made here. So we went 58 days without a drop of rain in our area, now we have had 2 days with rain but only got about 1.5 inches and we are back to being DRY!!! The last our news said we had as much rain as the Sahara Desert. So I post that finally we got some much needed rain in our everyday life….at least for a few days.

Looking forward to what the next week has to bring. School is out in 3 weeks so lots to do with the kiddo’s then. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my photo’s, leave me a comment if you’d like me to come by your blog and visit you!!

Until next time….

Project 52 – Week 17 and Week 18

It’s  another 2 week photo blog post for me, it’s been another busy week between church, t-ball and the fire department happenings, well I have been kept really busy. The whole family has been kept busy!! Plus we celebrated my DS’s 5th birthday in there also so we had a birthday party in there also. So enough excuses, here are the photo’s you came here to check out….

For week 17, MCP Project 52 the theme was Princess for a day celebrating the wedding of the royal couple. Just so happens that my DH’s and my wedding anniversary was the same week, along with DS’s birthday. Anyway, here is the photo I chose for this theme….

The story behind the photo…..

I caught my daughter and her little brother out on the trampoline just chatting away, only my daughter ever the Princess she is got her little brother to be her pillow while they talked. He was only too happy to do it for her, for now as he will be romping on her later I’m sure!!!

The theme for Paint the Moon Let’s Do 52 was motion, this was the photo I chose for this theme….

The story behind the photo….

Both of my kids just love our trampoline, it’s small and only 2 foot off the ground and has been through a hurricane and it looks like it. Their favorite move right now is this spin move in the air. Guess we need to invest in a new, and bigger trampoline if they are going to continue all this.

And for week 18…. the theme for MCP Project 52 was First thing in the morning….and the photo I chose for this theme was….

The story behind this photo….

Our mornings normally do not consist of this activity, but this week after an unusual temperature drop a few days ago our little man didn’t fair so well and we had to start nebulizer treatments. We have been doing this every 4 hours for the last several days, including first thing every morning…..fortunately he is doing much better now and is headed back to school today….Woo Hoo!!!

The theme for Paint the Moon Let’s Do 52 was story, the photo I chose for this theme was…..

And the story behind this photo….

This is the story of his Aunt’s life. She is his personal human jungle gym when she is here to visit. And when she goes home she has all the bruises to prove it. The bonus is that he is so worn out at the end of the day that there are no fights about going to bed…..LOVE That!!!

I am hoping that I can get back to blogging once a week like I had been, but I’m not going to promise anything quite yet until I figure out how all the summertime activities are going to run…..we are going to be EXTREMELY busy this summer!!

Check out part of what we did last summer…..and we are getting signed up again this summer!!

Get your child into summer camp…..they will have a BLAST!!!

Until next time…..

Project 52 – Week 15 and Week 16

Wow, I can’t believe I let a week get away from me and I didn’t get here to post!! It has been a heck of a two weeks getting here, and somehow I find myself spending less and less time on the computer now. The bonus is that we are spending more and more time outside!! The weather here is becoming BEAUTIFUL, except for the fact that we are in an Exceptional Drought, which is hard to believe living along the coast. But the ground all around us is cracking and  the lawns are barely getting the chance to get going good before they are looking like it’s the dead of winter again.

So on to some photo’s, I didn’t get here to my blog to post my week 15 photo’s so I will do that now.

The theme for MCP Project 52 was – How others see you….. this was the photo I chose…..

The story behind the photo…….

How others usually see me with this little one attached to me somehow….or running around me in some way. I am his first playmate and his best friend right now, until he starts school full time next year. Not sure how I’m really going to feel about that, he’s my baby!!

The theme for Paint the Moon – Let’s Do 52 for week 15 was – April Showers……this is the photo I chose….

The story behind the photo….

This is an April Tradition here in Texas, and we have to have rain to get these flowers every year. But you have to be quick to get your pictures every year, because they only have about a 2 and a half week span before they are bloomed out. We almost missed it this year. Glad we didn’t.

Now on to this past weeks theme’s…….

For MCP Project 52 the theme was Furry Friends……here is the photo I chose…..

The story behind the photo….

This is our “old man”, his name is Spook, not named for his color but for his demeanor when he first came to us. He was such a scaredy cat that he spooked at every move that was made by anyone. He’s now 15 years old and only hides from strangers anymore. He is our daughters lap cat and weighs about 22 pounds…..just a big tom cat but a lover boy. I’m afraid we won’t have too much longer with him but it’s been a ride!!

And finally, the theme for Paint the Moon – Let’s Do 52 was – Refreshing……and the photo I chose…..

The story behind the photo…

We had a get together and it ended up in a very late night. This was the kids first chance to get their swim suits on this year, and  boy did they take advantage!! I don’t think they stopped for more than about 5 minutes to grab something to drink and a bite to eat, oh and to get some more sunscreen. Unfortunately, I think that all the sunscreen wore off too quickly as they are both a bit red. They had a blast though and were well worn out by the end of the day!!

I am expecting it to be a super busy week ahead, lots to do and my baby boy is turning a year older this week! Plus we will be starting to get ready for summer camp, which is coming up starting in June. The kids are SUPER excited about that!!

Thanks for stopping by, leave a comment and I’ll be sure to stop by and check out your blog and do the same!

Until next time…..

Project 52 – Week 14

Ok, so late last week and early this week…lol. I had a little bit of extra time today, shocker I know so I wanted to get these us before my weekend got away from me. We have a VERY busy one with T-ball and 2 birthday parties and a dinner meeting with some friends. I also have to look at getting things set up for DS’s birthday party….he’s soooo looking forward to it!!

Well on to the photo’s, this week the photo’s for both Project 52 Challenges came from the same source…..

The theme for MCP Project 52 was fusion, here is the photo I chose….

The story behind the photo…

This week I had the opportunity to take photo’s for a training session for one of our local Fire Academy’s as they got their hands on some of the equipment that is used to take people out of wrecked cars. One of those tools is the K12 which is similar to a circular saw that they can put different blades on depending on the need. This tool is also used in fires on doors and roofs so it is a multi-purpose tool….a Fusion of uses.


The theme for Paint the Moon – Let’s Do 52 was Chaos, here is the photo I chose….

The story behind the photo…..

Same training session….They were learning the many ways to break out glass on a car….this is the halligan bar…..Chaos indeed!!

Thanks for dropping by once again, don’t forget to drop me a note to let me know if you have been here. I would love to return the visit to your blog!!

Until next time….

Project 52 – Week 13

I am late getting my blog post up about my Week 13 photographs, it has been a busy weekend of T-ball, photo editing and Church for me. Although I am loving being so busy, my body is telling me I should have been better prepared for all of this!! I have been fighting off a cough for about 4 and a half weeks now and not loving that!! And my allergies are NOT helping!! Anyway so on to the week 13 photos….


For MCP Project 52 the theme was Just for Fun…..and the photo I chose…..

The story behind the photo…

Last Friday as I was editing a large number of photos from a Family Reunion Shoot my DS decided that what he wanted to do “just for fun” was to watch movies, just so he could be near me as I was stuck inside. Sometimes he can be such a sweetheart, sometimes he can be such a stinker….that day he was just TOO Sweet!!!


For Paint The Moon – Let’s Do 52 the theme was Connect or Tools, the photo I chose for that challenge was this one….


The story behind the photo….

Last week I was taking photo’s at our church as we had Will McFarlane as a guest speaker during our service and I got this great photo of one of the long standing married couples in the church. They have an amazing relationship and I’m blessed to be able to call them friends!!


So my next task is to choose some photo’s for a competition, looking forward to entering that, will let you know how that goes. Oh and I will be taking some photo’s for an up coming calendar for a friend of mine. Really excited to see where that takes us!!

Until next time….